Stefanie Paige-Belson

    Integrative Wellness


​ ​​​​​​

 ​​ Stefanie Paige-Belson

  Advanced Multi Disciplinary Energy & Bodyworker 

Specializing in pain management

Wellness Professional


 Trained Medium

With over 30 years in private practice.

Stefanie has a unique background & draws from diverse education & training, assisting people from all walks of life to rediscover wellness & balance after complex physical & non-physical challenges & traumatic experiences.


Stefanie is a hands-on healing facilitator, employing advanced bodily healing practices.

 She is an enthusiastic teacher who loves to bring new

experiences of complete physical, mental-emotional & spiritual peace within reach.

Stefanie believes that EMBODIED education within the hands of the individual, empowers the awakening of selfcare &  personal healing capacities.

In a first session Stefanie inquires:

"What do you believe is the greatest challenge to YOUR ability to experience peace & contentment?"

In the spirit of self-compassion Stefanie guides you toward a more loving view of your life from the perspective that ALL is possible.

Every session is tailored to individual needs.


 VideoWellness IS available for Readings & Integrative Wellness

call 916.223.4600 to inquire how you can stay physically and spiritually well during this unprecendented time

Somatic Awareness Bodywork Therapies

Intentional Movement

- and -
 Wellness Support 

Resolving injury & residual trauma allows us freedom in body mind and spirit.

 Trauma originates with an EVENT or a series of events. 

 An illness, an injury or an accumulation of negative experiences.

  Credible longitudinal studies & the most recent brain scan technologies alongside our better understanding of the autonomic nervous system solidly demonstrates the PHYSICAL effect of difficult life events.  

 This applied to the study of predicting medical outcomes, the disease process and behavioral health, show that simply

living in an environmentthat lacks support in any developmentally vital area can cause challenging brain-body changes,

In an attempt to "protect" ourselves from the effects of trauma, below the level of awareness we biologically

enter into physiological patterns that do NOT allow us to complete the healing process.

These alterations are NOT decisions, they happen at the level of the sub-cortical brain, changing the course of development in the very substances & functions of the body in an effort to accomodate survival.

 Understand..YOU really are  doing the best you can.

 Over the last 15 years through Functional Brain Imaging Studies we have substantiated our understanding of addictions, adaptive behavior patterns. Specifically functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), has made possible the large-scale study of neural systems underlying learning in the human brain shedding light upon our further understanding of human development and potential.

To this end, we now are able to begin to resolve & heal these persistent physical emotional & behavior patterns with skilled support.


Stefanie's work comes out of a solidly built understanding of a medical model, united with her training from holistic traditions.

Education in the sciences & nature phenomenology support her approach through an integrated understanding of the human being.

Restoring balance & resilience, achieving pain relief & finally the ability to THRIVE are accomplished through individualized assessment & treatment plan.

 In Person OR remote sessions may include:

Advanced Integrated Bodywork

Intentional Movement Breathwork

(for balancing the autonomic nervous system)

NeuroMuscular Re-patterning 

Subtle Bodies Communication

Visualization-BodyMind Protocols

(for healthy neural network function)

Deep-tissue Therapies 

Structural Realignment


Yogic Practice

​Somatic Awareness Mapping 

Visceral Activation

Quantum Healing

Neural Attunement/Co-regulation

 Stefanie supports each person in a simple and easy way forward.

Learning to be safe in the body is the beginning of our

 meaningful journey.

This step in safety is vital toward change.

Developing a sense of calm & self-trust helps achieve health in the body

& clarity of the mind.

Stefanie creates a deep rapport establishing attunement to each individual.

Whether in the comfort & safety of the treatment room

or in your own space.

In person or at a distance, each person, beginning wherever they are,

can, with help, discover what is happening below the surface & build a reserve of physical well being, calm in thinking 

& that the ability to engage in self care without the

"struggle of WILLPOWER"

YOUR  journey has purpose & meaning.

 With Stefanie's highly trained hands,

attunement, somatic instruction,

meaningful dialog and visualization,

there can be letting go & integration.


Intuitive Readings, Somatic Education


Spiritual Counsel for Individuals, Couples

& Families

 Through multi-disciplinary embodied education, breathwork practices,


 Intuitive Development,

Stefanie teaches step by step, how to harness your OWN higher guidance & trust in your angelic connections, moving toward clarity, purpose, and growth.

As we develop our inner life, there are times when it serves us to assess a current situation and decide our next steps.

Each human being  walks a path of development.


Are available to guide growth and uncover answers which have been hidden from view.


Communication with Spirit for the purpose of healing and closure

or clearing unsettled energies from our person or a location.


Stefanie aims to promote balanced understanding and collaboration among family members, helping to solve challenges, resolve conflict, promote compassionate understanding of ones own inner needs &

those of another.

This can be done in safety, for the benefit of each person.

 All can benefit from letting go of the negative stories we tell ourselves.

 Cultivating a higher perspective helps us to put an end to personalizing interactions with others  & understand with objectivity and goodwill

 the people in our lives.

  Higher guidance can assist us to discover what has been hidden from our view & develop a personal path imbued with meaning.

Spiritual healer, medium, integrative therapies, psychic healer, psychic, medium counselor, counselor, lightworker, light worker, light, reiki, massage healer, healer of body, healer of spirit, healer of soul, psychic reader, medium of healing, message medium, ESP, teacher, guide, ESP counselor, light healer, body healer, inspirational healer, soul healer, spirit healer, grief counselor, psychic insight, insight by psychic, understanding healing, grief healing, psychic counselor